Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Mac Download

Download Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Patch for Mac to update this real-time strategy game. The command economy is a key feature of any communist society. Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union are examples of countries that have command economies, while China maintained a.

Short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS is a non-graphical command lineoperating system created for IBM compatible computers.

MS-DOS was first introduced by Microsoft in August 1981 and was last updated in 1994 with MS-DOS 6.22. Although the MS-DOS operating system is rarely used today, the command shell commonly known as the Windows command line is still widely used. Continue reading >>


Command And Conquer Tiberium Download

If you're new to MS-DOS or the Windows command line, see: How to use the Windows command line (DOS).

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a real-time strategy military science fiction video game which developed & published by Electronic Arts. This game released 28th March 2007 for the Windows, 10th May for Mac OS X and 28th August for Xbox 360 in North America.

MS-DOS command list


See the complete overview for a brief description on each of the following commands.


Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Mac Download Utorrent

Browse: internal commands, external commands, and Recovery Console commands.

Aansi.sys | append | arp | assign | assoc | at | atmadm | attrib
Bbackup | batch | bcdedit | bootcfg | bootsect | break
Ccacls | call | cd | chcp | chdir | chkdsk | chkntfs | choice | cipher | clip | cls | cmd | color | command | comp | compact | control | convert | copy | ctty
Ddate | debug | defrag | del | delete | deltree | dir | disable | diskcomp | diskcopy | diskpart | doskey | dosshell | driverquery | drivparm | dumpchk
Eecho | edit | edlin | emm386 | enable | endlocal | erase | exit | expand | extract
Ffasthelp | fc | fciv | fdisk | find | findstr | fixboot | fixmbr | for | forfiles | format | ftp | fType
Ggoto | gpupdate | graftabl
Hhelp | himem.sys | hostname
Iicacls | if | ifshlp.sys | ipconfig
Llabel | lh | listsvc | loadfix | loadhigh | lock | logoff | logon
Mmap | md | mem | mkdir | mklink | mode | more | move | msav | msbackup | mscdex | msd | msg | mwbackup
Nnbtstat | net | netsh | netstat | nlsfunc | nslookup
Ppath | pathping | pause | ping | popd | power |powercfg |print | prompt | pushd
Rrd | reg | ren | rename | rmdir | robocopy | route | runas
Ssc | ScanDisk | scanreg | schtasks | set | setlocal | setver | sfc | share | shift | shutdown | smartdrv | sort | start | subst | switches | sys | systeminfo | systemroot
Ttaskkill | tasklist | telnet | time | title | tracert | tree | tskill | type
Uundelete | unformat | unlock
Vver | verify | vol

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Version 1.0

Release Date: 25th of February 2008

Command And Conquer Tiberium Wars Hacks

Author: ZoneTrooperEx

Version: 1.0

File Size: 51.6MB

Please read the below carefully before downloading and installing.


See included readmePDF file (copied during installation) or the about page for detailed information.

System Requirements

  • Command & Conquer3 : Tiberium Wars
    • PC meets or exceeds the system requirements of Command & Conquer 3 : Tiberium Wars
    • Command & Conquer 3 : Tiberium Wars (Kane or Standard Edition) installed
    • CNC3:TW patch 1.09 applied
  • Windows Installer installed (version 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 or 4.0)
  • Minimum 100MB free temporary disk space
  • Logged in as an Administrator user
  • User Access Control (UAC) disabled (Windows Vista only)

If you download and play this modification. please visit this website again and post your comments.


Latest Version 1.0 Download Locations

We only list quality spyware and virus free mirrors below:

  • Rapidshare Network (America)
  • AusGamers Files (Australia)

Old Prerelease 0.5 Download Locations

We only list quality spyware and virus free mirrors below:

  • Rapidshare Network (America)
  • AusGamers Files (Australia)
  • Internode (Australia)
  • (Germany)

Please contact us at to request a listing of a quality mirror.

Windows Vista Users

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Mac Download Torrent

Users of Windows Vista Operating Systems are strongly advised to disable UAC to ensure that the installation runs smoothly.

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Mac Download Mediafire


The installer currently only fully supports the English language. Version 1.0+ includes the German language for the installer.

Im future versions French and German are expected to be fully supported.

If you’d like to help translate please contact me at, you will be included in the Credits.